Here you will find a list of my published analysis, journalism, and commentary.

Reportage, Analysis, and Argument

Power Moves: Politics and Culture in the CCP
Frieze (Mar 2021 issue)

Why Beijing is Bringing Big Tech to Heel
Foreign Affairs (Feb 2021)

Illiberal China
Los Angeles Review of Books China Channel (Sept 2019)

The Great Socialist Bake Off
Jacobin (Sept 2019)

The Sincere Indignation of Simon Leys
Los Angeles Review of Books China Channel (March 2018)

Breakfast in Guangzhou: Dim sum
Roads and Kingdoms (August 2017)

Breakfast in Meitan, Guizhou: Youcha tang
Roads and Kingdoms (July 2017)

China’s Whack-a-Mole Housing Boom
CityLab/The Atlantic (July 2017)

The End of Poverty in China: A Tale of Two Villages
World Policy Journal (Summer 2017 issue; paywalled)

Breakfast in Beijing: Jidan guan bing
Roads and Kingdoms (June 2017)

Pacific Standard (April 2017)

Once in Poverty, China’s Taobao Villages Have Found a Lifeline
Quartz (February 2017)

Chongqing’s Number One Noodle Obsessive
Roads and Kingdoms (December 2016)

Higher Red
Washington Monthly (November 2016 issue)

Donald Trump and the Heads-I-Win-Tails-You-Lose Strategy
(September 23, 2016)

China’s Charitable Turn
Foreign Affairs (July 28, 2016)

Why is the Pollution So Bad in Beijing?
Priceonomics (Jan 4, 2016)

China Takes Federalism Further Than the US, and the Safety Net is Paying the Price
Vox (Aug 31, 2015)

Big Whopper Economics
Washington Monthly (March 2014 issue)

The Past and Future of America’s Social Contract
The Atlantic (Dec 19, 2013)

Moving Past the Low-Wage Social Contract
Reuters (Sept 11, 2013)

How Not to Help the Poor: The Lesson of Soaring College Prices
The Atlantic (Jul 10, 2013)

Why American Colleges Are Becoming a Force for Inequality
The Atlantic (May 16, 2013)

Big Business Isn’t Investing in People Anymore, So Big Government Has To
Quartz (May 7, 2013)

Expand Social Security to Cover Larger Portion of Retirement Needs
Sacramento Bee (Apr 10, 2013)

Social Security as Solution, Not Problem
Reuters (Apr 3, 2013)

The Tax-Break Myth: They’re Not Really For the Middle Class
The Atlantic (Nov 8, 2012)

U.S. Leaves Working Families in the Lurch
CNN.com (Sep 27, 2012)


Josh Freedman, contributor on economics and higher education